AI rendition of the Scottish Highlands

The Stravager

The aimless wanderings of my mind

About this Blog

While my guitars gently…just sit there.

I have a small collection of guitars. Unlike so many of the guitarists I have talked to who have 20, 30 or 100 guitars I only have 5. I started playing in my early 50s and I still am not good enough to play in front of people. It was my post Karate, Fishing, and Photography hobbies. Now my post guitar hobby is making YouTube videos. My wife and I started getting into the Vlogging thing last year, and we are learning as fast as we can.

Daily writing prompt
Do you have any collections?

3 responses to “While my guitars gently…just sit there.”

  1. I collect baseball cards. Please subscribe to my blog


    1. Hi Sophia. Have you signed up for mine yet? Sorry I don’t really follow Baseball as much as I used to. Mariners are doing well this year so I might start paying a little closer attention.


      1. I just subscribed to your blog. Can you please subscribe to my blog?


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