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Guilty on all 34 counts

On this historic day, May 30, 2024, it’s kind of important to step back and think about the presidency and what we used to consider presidential.  There was a time when you were not allowed to look sweaty in a debate.  You were not allowed to glance at your watch in a debate.  You were not allowed to look goofy riding in a tank.  Today, the Wall Street journal is saying that Biden should be careful pointing out that Trump was just convicted on all 34 counts of a felony.  Some political pundits are saying that this conviction might be good for Trump.  

The world is upside down. 

The look on my wife’s face when I told her that he was still eligible to run for President after getting convicted said everything.  She’s Japanese.  In Japan this would be unthinkable.  The politician’s career would be over.  Well, that is the way things used to be here too.  Far less has derailed the political careers of far better and more qualified candidates.  I had to explain to her that the people who designed this system, never in their wildest dreams would have imagined that we, the people, would need to be told that you should not elect a convicted felon.  It would be like advising people not to roller skate in a buffalo herd or spit into the wind.  A good portion of this country has lost it’s ever loving mind.

One response to “Guilty on all 34 counts”

  1. America lost it’s mind years ago. All the roosters are coming home to hen!


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