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The Stravager

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The Daily Prompts

IF I were writing to get more views, likes and subscribers then I think the best way to do so is to just use the writing prompts. So it begs the question, what is more important? To write what ever comes to my mind and have less feed back and attention, or use the writing prompts and let it generate more traffic to the page. It’s the ballence between knowing that these words are being stuffed into a bottle and tossed into a vast ocean randomly and making sure that I toss the bottle into a current that might take it somewhere for someone to find.

I do use the prompts and try to tie something I have to say to the main point of the prompt, but I think we can use quite a broad interpretation. It’s not a test, afterall. Though I have seen some answers to these prompts that were not even in the same zipcode as the question.

Anyway, dear reader, I do try to be diligent about useing catagories and tags when I publish, and I have made them all sortable on the home page. We’ll file this under “Blogging” and “Navel Gazing.”

2 responses to “The Daily Prompts”

  1. In my opinion, if you use prompts then you lack ideas of what it is exactly that you wish to write. When it comes to blogs, it’s more about how the language sings then writing plots and characters.


    1. Sure. I’m pretty sure that is the point of the prompts. And that’s not a bad thing. Soaring or “singing” language is fine, but the point of a blog is different for each person. For example, some might be after likes and other affirmation. Some may just be using it as a kind of diary. I have a post linked in my about page regarding why I think people blog in general. The point of the post, if there was a point, was more about whether or not using prompts just to drive traffic to the page fits with my overall purpose of blogging. Am I shouting into the void, or do I want people to read it?

      Thanks for your input, and I’d love to read your blog.


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