AI rendition of the Scottish Highlands

The Stravager

The aimless wanderings of my mind

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Takes me right back

“A dreamsicle on a summer night
In a folding lawn chair
Witches ring around the moon
Better get home soon”

Dreamsicle – Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

I have not actually had one in a long time and I don’t really 100% know if a Dreamsicle and Creamsicle are the same thing, but frozen treat with a vanilla ice cream center and an orange sherbet shell is the one I used to have that tasted so good on a summer day. The Jason Isbell song is dark, but the chorus is quite nostalgic. One bit of anything resembling that flavor is an instant portal to my childhood. Or any banana flavored candy.

Daily writing prompt
Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?

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