AI rendition of the Scottish Highlands

The Stravager

The aimless wanderings of my mind

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  • One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. This is a cliche but it’s just about always true, but I was today years old when I learned something interesting about the similar origin stories of the US and Israel. Specifically, that we both see our founding fathers as heroes, while the English saw them as… Read more

  • A few days ago I was getting frustrated with what I thought was a fundamental lack of understanding of the history of the Middle East, where the US interests lie, and our complicity in the problems there. The frustration stemmed from the seeming lack of effort that the younger generation gave toward understanding a) what… Read more

  • On this historic day, May 30, 2024, it’s kind of important to step back and think about the presidency and what we used to consider presidential.  There was a time when you were not allowed to look sweaty in a debate.  You were not allowed to glance at your watch in a debate.  You were… Read more

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