AI rendition of the Scottish Highlands

The Stravager

The aimless wanderings of my mind

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  • A few days ago I was getting frustrated with what I thought was a fundamental lack of understanding of the history of the Middle East, where the US interests lie, and our complicity in the problems there. The frustration stemmed from the seeming lack of effort that the younger generation gave toward understanding a) what… Read more

  • Action!

    A couple of years ago my wife and I were planning a trip to central Europe, and even though we were planning on using one of those tours (Gate1 Travel, to be specific) we did our best to make sure we were educated regarding the four countries we were going to be visiting.  (Czech Republic,… Read more

  • We were warned.  A quick note about this entry. I wrote this in 2022. It’s still true but I keep hearing the questions about why we weren’t prepared for this effect that social media would have on our political culture. So I am reposting it here. —————————————————————————Once upon a time I was a technology journalists… Read more

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